Medha Montessori School
  • New Campus for 1st to 10th class coming up at Moinabad. 20mins from Gachibowli ORR, 35Mins from Mehadipatnam.
  • Starting Adolescence/Erdkinder program for 12 to 16 years children in 2017 - 18 at Moinabad

G.Madhavi Reddy

G.Madhavi Reddy is the founder and is the main person who has started the Medha Montessori School. She is trained in Primary and Elementary under AMI (Association of Montessori Internationale, Netherlands). Medha Montessori School was started by her in 2008. Her aim is to start a school with Montessori Toddler, Primary, Elementary and Adolescent environments.


M.V.Kishore is the Director and has been assisting in the development of the school. He is trained in Elementary from Navadisha Montessori foundation,chennai and Adolescent program from Hershey Montessori, Cleveland, Ohio, USA under AMI (Association of Montessori Internationale, Netherlands). He is actively involved in starting the adolescent program at present.

Welcome to Medha Montessori School 


  • About Our School

    Our School strives to provide children with a quality Montessori education.


  • We offer

    Toddler (18 months to 3 years children)
    Primary (3 - 6 years children)
    Elementary (6- 12 years children)
    Adolescent (12- 16 years children)

  • Toddler 18 m to 3 y

    We at Medha Montessori follow and aid each toddler in their growth and development through a rich and a prepared environment designed for toddlers.

  • Primary 3 - 6 years

    The Primary child loves to work in a community of independent learners. A wide range of activities engage the children at all levels of ability and maturity, and make possible the Motessori goals of individualized work, timely progress and independence social awareness. 

  • Elementary 6- 12 years

    Elementary students thrive on learning with and from each other. This collaborative learning environment emphasises the interactive process that achieved both academic success and social competence. Students develop the ability to work cooperatively in reaching a goal, to contribute ideas, to listen to others, and to respect individual differences.  

  • Adolescent/Erdkinder 12- 16 Years

    The goal of this program is to produce adults who are equipped with the confidence in themselves and actual skills to live in the real world.

Montessori Method

Maria Montessori (1870-1952)

The Montessori method is an educational approach to children based on the research and experiences of Italian physician and educator Maria Montessori.

The Montessori Method is a way about thinking about who children are. It is a philosophy that respects the unique individuality of each child. This method does not compare a child to norms or standards that are measured by traditional educational systems. It is founded on the belief children should be free to succeed and learn without restriction or criticism.

Another important skill it teaches is self-reliance and independence. It helps a child to become independent by teaching him or her skills, which is called practical life. Montessori children learn to dress themselves, help cook, put their toys and clothes away and take an active part of their household, neighbourhood and school.


For young children Montessori is a hands on approach to learning. It encourages children to develop their observation skills by doing many types of activities. These activities include use of the five senses, kinetic movement, spatial refinement, small and large motor skill coordination, and concrete knowledge that leads to later abstraction.

Teacher's Role

A Montessori teacher or instructor observes each child like a scientist, providing every child with an individual program for learning.

Goal of Montessori

The main goal of Montessori is to provide a stimulating, child oriented environment that children can explore touch, and learn without fear. An understanding parent or teacher is a large part of this child's world.

The end result is to encourage life long learning, the joy of learning, and happiness about one's path and purpose in life.

Toddler Program (21moths to 3years)

We offer Toddler program for children 18 months and up till 3 years. This program takes advantage of the toddler’s natural drive to act independently and absorbent mind. We at Medha Montessori aid each child in their growth and development through a rich prepared environment designed for toddlers.  We follow the Montessori approach in implementing the toddler program
We have trained teachers who implement the toddler program. They help the children to foster cognitive development, speech and language development, strengthen fine motor and gross motor skills, introduce grace and courtesy lessons, and promote independence. An important part of this program is to develop independence in the child, learning to care for him/herself by washing hands and putting on shoes and jackets.
Families are invited to conference with the classroom teacher throughout the year.  During these conferences teachers share progress and set goals for the child’s development.  

Toddler Curriculum

Practical Life activities

Practical life activities help the child to refine he basic skills that will serve them all their live. The Toddler environment offers the practical life activities such as Pouring, Opening and Closing, Spooning, Bead Stringing, Polishing and Large Water Activities. These activities are aimed at enhancing the child’s development of fine motor control, hand-eye coordination, balance, sense of order, concentration and independence.


We learn everything through our senses. Children have an absorbent mind that allows them to absorb everything through their senses. Sensorial activities assist Toddlers in the great task of organizing, integrating and learning about their sensory input. Sensorial materials include Knobbed Cylinders for practice with dimension, Color Paddles, Sorting and Shapes.


Around two years, there is  an explosion of words in child’s speech., soon followed by sentences. The Language materials in the Toddler environment encourage the refinement and enrichment of language as the first steps on the road to writing and finally reading. Early Language materials and oral exercises like storytelling and reading aloud support the toddler’s need to be immersed in language. Activities include books, puzzles, naming objects like fruits, vegetables and animals, and beginning sound games.


The early censorial and practical life activities encourage the development of important pre-math skills such as order, sequence, visual discrimination, sorting, one-to-one correspondence and directionality. Toddler Math activities include stacking and nesting cubes, number blocks and puzzles, and sorting and counting materials.


We have a Library program supports the curriculum and educational programs of Toddlers through Middle School  and High school. Toddler enjoy listening to a variety of stories and storytelling activities. Two books can be taken home every week for parents to read to the toddles.

Primary (3 to 6 years, LKG, UKG)

Montessori is an educational pedagogy that focuses on the individual child and his needs. 

The concepts behind the pedagogy were consolidated by Dr. Maria Montessori in the beginning of the 20th century. Her concepts in regards to teaching children based on their needs and personal interest lead to the Montessori educational method of today. There are four areas of learning in a Montessori 3-6 class. 


Practical Life

In this section of work, the child finds materials and Exercises of his every day life from pouring water from a jug to a glass, or learning how to tie a shoelace. These activities help the child to properly take care of himself so that he may feel as though he is independent and does not have to rely on an adult for his basic needs.


Activities in this section allow the child to refine each of his senses. He will become a child who can appreciate colour or texture differences, organise his thoughts and objects in his environment and who has a refined sense of pitch from the music he may hear around him.


The child is taught language through a specific progression of lessons where he first becomes aware of the different sounds in a word. The child then learns the language phonetically until the point where he is taught the different "rules" in a given language and the exceptions to those rules he will need to know in order to spell and read fluently.


The child first learns to count from 1-10 through the understanding of the concept that those numbers represent a specific amount. Through each material, the child will learn addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and truly understand what each one means in their deeper sense. Through this method of teaching, Montessori offers the child a strong and solid foundation in the understanding of mathematics.


Overall, what makes this method of learning so different compared to the conventional form of education we have today, is that the teacher does not stand in front of the class and teach each child the same lesson all at once. Each child is allowed to learn at his own rhythm in a way where he feels as though he is in fact not learning or being taught.

Montessori called this way of teaching "preparing the child for success". The teacher is there to guide the child through small Exercises in which the child will succeed. Through time, the Exercises rise in difficulty but because the progression is so well thought out, the child never feels as though learning is a struggle.

Elementary (6 to 12 years / 1st to 6th Class)


At six, there is a great transformation in the child, like a new birth. The child wants to explore society and the world, to learn what is right and wrong, and to explore meaningful roles in society. The child of this age wants to know how everything came to be, the history of the universe, the world, humans and why they behave the way they do. He asks the BIG questions and wants answers.

A fully trained Montessori elementary teacher has spent many months learning to give individual lessons in all academic areas, and to guide the child in direction and methods of their own research. Though planning groups form occasionally, with the teacher or among the children, the main work is still done by the individual. Just as in the 3-6 class, it is the protected period of concentration and focus, interrupted by scheduled required groups, that is the hallmark of Montessori education. This is what heals and fulfils the child, and reveals the true human who naturally exhibits the desire to help others and to make a difference in the world.

How Montessori Is Different from traditional school


Teachers who have taught full 6-12 age span see the definite benefit of this method, rather than breaking children up into groups of children closer in age. There are six years worth of wonderful possibilities to which each child is exposed, and this is vital because it is not just what the child does that results in learning, but what is casually taken in from the work around him. 

  A 6-12 span helps the teacher avoid group lessons, and so helps the children reach a much higher level of independence. It necessitates children teaching children, a vital element in Montessori education. When group lessons are kept at a minimum, periods of concentration protected, and children exposed to the amazing amount of work in the 6-12 class, not only are the state curriculum requirements easily met, but children work at a level one would not have though possible. As I heard many times during my elementary teacher training The teacher is in charge of the minimum, the child the maximum.



 The curriculum is given to all the each child to see what she must accomplish at each grade level, 1st grade through 6th. The teacher meets with the individual student periodically, depending on the needs of the child, to plan how this should be done. One child will want to do the required work on Mondays, another for the first hour or so each morning. Together they make a list for the week, or the month, and the child is in charge. This teaches time management skills, and leaves the child free from interruption. 

If a child is having trouble getting down to work it might be suggested that for a short period of time, she keep a time journal, marking the clock time throughout a few days to see just how her time is spent. As soon as she discovers the problem and gets down to work, such a record ceases as it would be in impediment to the creative flow that is so evident in the Montessori elementary class. 

The Montessori curriculum is built around the five great lessons given at the beginning of each year: creation of earth, coming of plants and animals, the arrival of humans, language, math and invention. Each year the new students gather for these five group lessons. The older children come if they like, or hear them from afar, experiencing them differently each time dependent upon their own growth in understanding. The teacher designs each lesson using stories, music, impressionistic charts, experiments, and games. The idea is always to inspire, not to require.

The goals of Elementary Class 


We wish to help the children work towards freedom of choice in their intellectual endeavours. We want them to be able to go where they wish as far as they wish in cosmic education(includes all the subjects in the universe). The only limit to this freedom is given by the child's personal responsibility towards the public school curriculum. Beyond that the children should be given perfect intellectual liberty. When the public school curriculum is not used actively to set the foundation for this freedom, then the freedom can not be truly given.

We work towards having group cooperative work as the norm of the elementary class. Any individual work that is done should be because an individual is practising a particular skill he / she needed to acquire or to fill a gap in knowledge, or because a child is pursuing a personal passion. As gaps are filled the skills acquired, there should be less individual work going on. Unless group work gets going, the psychological characteristics of the elementary child will be lost sight of. The child can form no coherent ideas about the nature and structure of society and his / her place in it if there is no freedom to construct model societies within the social group.

Adolescence / Erdkinder

The Adolescence / Erdkinder programs are extensions of already-existing, well established Montessori Primary and Elementary programs. The goal of this program is to produce adults who are equipped with the confidence in themselves and actual skills to live in the real world.

The Erdkinder method, empowers adolescents with the knowledge that they must take responsibility for their own care and that their activities, pursuits and actions have a very real effect on their fellow students, instructors, home and community. Lessons about economics, environmental sciences, domestic arts are acquired through hands-on work and the intellect is developed by reading, by community discussion, by enriching interactions with art, music and nature.

Primarily, setting up young adolescents for success in high school comes down to incorporating creativity and choice, collaboration and the social nature of adolescents, and strengthening growing independence through organisation and time-management skill building.

These include day and overnight field trips, student-directed studies, apprenticeships, long-term projects, student-run businesses, and an enriched program of academic studies focused on great literature and the humanities.


Specific Details of the Montessori Method as practised in Montessori Schools

Protection of the "best" in each child through respect of choice and concentration

The most important discovery that Dr. Montessori has contributed to the field of child development and education is the fostering of the best in each child. She discovered that in an environment where children are allowed to choose their work and to concentrate for as long as needed on that task, that they come out of this period of concentration (or meditation or contemplation) refreshed and full of good will toward others. The teacher must know how to offer work, to link the child to the environment who is the real teacher, and to protect this process. We know now that this natural goodness and compassion are inborn, and do not need to be taught, but to be protected.

The schedule - The three-hour work period

Under the age of six, there are one or two 3-hour, uninterrupted, work periods each day, not broken up by required group lessons. Older children schedule meetings or study groups with each other the teacher when necessary.  Adults and children respect concentration and do not interrupt someone who is busy at a task. Groups form spontaneously or are arranged ahead by special appointment.  They almost never take precedence over self-selected work.

Multiage grouping

Children are grouped in mixed ages and abilities in three to six year spans: 0-3, 3-6, 6-12 (sometimes temporarily 6-9 and 9-12), 12-15, 15-18. There is constant interaction, problem solving, child to child teaching, and socialization. Children are challenged according to their ability and never bored. The Montessori middle and high school teacher ideally has taken all three training courses plus graduate work in an academic area or areas.

Work centers

The environment is arranged according to subject area, and children are always free to move around the room instead of staying at desks. There is no limit to how long a child can work with a piece of material. At any one time in a day all subjects -- math, language, science, history, geography, art, music, etc., will be being studied, at all levels.

Teaching method - "Teach by teaching, not by correcting"

There are no papers turned back with red marks and corrections. Instead the child's effort and work is respected as it is. The teacher, through extensive observation and record-keeping, plans individual projects to enable each child to learn what he needs in order to improve.

Teaching Ratio - 1:1 and 1:30+

Except for infant/toddler groups (Ratio dictated by local social service regulations), the teaching ratio is one trained Montessori teacher and one non-teaching aide to 30+ children. Rather than lecturing to large or small groups of children, the teacher is trained to teach one child at a time, and to oversee thirty or more children working on a broad array of tasks. She is facile in the basic lessons of math, language, the arts and sciences, and in guiding a child's research and exploration, capitalizing on his interest in and excitement about a subject. The teacher does not make assignments or dictate what to study or read, nor does she set a limit as to how far a child follows an interest.

Basic lessons

The Montessori teacher spends a lot of time during teacher training practicing the many lessons with materials in all areas. She must pass a written and oral exam on these lessons in order to be certified. She is trained to recognize a child's readiness according to age, ability, and interest in a specific lesson, and is prepared to guide individual progress.

Areas of study

All subjects are interwoven, not taught in isolation, the teacher modeling a "Renaissance" person of broad interests for the children. A child can work on any material he understands at any time.

Class size

Except for infant/toddler groups, the most successful classes are of 30-35 children to one teacher (who is very well trained for the level she is teaching), with one non-teaching assistant. This is possible because the children stay in the same group for three to six years and much of the teaching comes from the children and the environment.

Learning styles

All kinds of intelligences and styles of learning are nurtured: musical, bodily-kinesthetic, spatial, interpersonal, intrapersonal, intuitive, and the traditional linguistic and logical-mathematical (reading, writing, and math). This particular model is backed up by Harvard psychologist Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences.


There are no grades, or other forms of reward or punishment, subtle or overt. Assessment is by portfolio and the teacher's observation and record keeping. The test of whether or not the system is working lies in the accomplishment and behavior of the children, their happiness, maturity, kindness, and love of learning and level of work.

Requirements for age 0-6

There are no academic requirements for this age, but children are exposed to amazing amounts of knowledge and often learn to read, write and calculate beyond what is usually thought interesting to a child of this age.

Requirements for ages 6-18

The teacher remains alert to the interests of each child and facilitates individual research in following interests. There are no curriculum requirements except those set by the state, or college entrance requirements, for specific grade levels. These take a minimum amount of time. From age six on, students design contracts with the teacher to guide their required work, to balance their general work, and to teach them to become responsible for their own time management and education. The work of the 6+ class includes subjects usually not introduced until high school or college.

Character education

Education of character is considered equally with academic education, children learning to take care of themselves, their environment, each other - cooking, cleaning, building, gardening, moving gracefully, speaking politely, being considerate and helpful, doing social work in the community, etc.



1.     Where did Montessori come from?

Montessori (pronounced MON-tuh-SORE-ee) education was founded in 1907 by Dr. Maria Montessori, the first woman in Italy to become a physician. She based her educational methods on scientific observation of children's learning processes. Guided by her discovery that children teach themselves, Dr. Montessori designed a "prepared environment" in which children could freely choose from a number of developmentally appropriate activities. Now, nearly a century after Maria Montessori's first casa dei bambini ("children's house") in Rome, Montessori education is found all over the world, spanning ages from birth to adolescence.

2.     What is the Montessori Method of education?

Maria Montessori never set out to make a system of education. Rather, her methods of teaching evolved from her observations of the children in her care. She observed that the child absorbs from the environment she is in, and using specially designed materials she was able to call to the child's inner desire to learn. These materials are presented in small groups, frequently on the floor, encouraging individual hands-on participation, and peer problem-solving dialogue. The child is allowed certain freedoms to be independent within the highly sequenced structure of the Montessori Method. Control of error is built into manipulative materials and charts, encouraging self-confidence and independence.

3.     What is the purpose of the Montessori Method?

Primarily, the purpose of the Montessori method is to provide an environment where the innate abilities of the child can unfold spontaneously, encouraging the development of the person within, allowing the child to achieve his greatest potential. Maria Montessori stated, "the child is the father of the man." As the child develops his inner self, a love of life and learning follows naturally.

4.     What ages does Montessori serve?

There are more Montessori programs for ages 3-6 than for any other age group, but Montessori is not limited to early childhood. Many infant/toddler programs (ages 2 months to 3 years) exist, as well as elementary (ages 6-12), adolescent (ages 12-15)

5.     When should I start my child in Montessori?

 Montessori was herself amazed at the abilities of young children two and three years old. In her environments she discovered that they were able to absorb concrete materials using all their senses simultaneously, a unique ability soon lost. She called these times of special absorption "Sensative Periods", and developed specific materials for that time. As the child grows these periods change, yet the continuum is set in motion for the rest of the child's life. Therefore, the early years are the most important, yet most neglected in many societies. Starting a child at 2 or 3 in a good Montessori environment with well-trained directresses can have results that will remain with the child all her life.

6.     What is the difference between Montessori and traditional education?

At the under age six level, Montessori emphasises learning through all five senses, not just through listening, watching, or reading. Children in Montessori classes learn at their own, individual pace and according to their own choice of activities from hundreds of possibilities. The are not required to sit and listen to a teacher talk to them as a group, but are engaged in individual or group activities of their own, with materials that have been introduced to them 1:1 by the teacher who knows what each child is ready to do. Learning is an exciting process of discovery, leading to concentration, motivation, self-discipline, and a love of learning.

Above age 6 children learn to do independent research, arrange field trips to gather information, interview specialists, create group presentation, dramas, art exhibits, musical productions, science projects, and so forth. There is no limit to what they created in this kind of intelligently guided freedom. There no text books or adult-directed group lessons and daily schedule. There is great respect for the choices of the children, but they easily keep up with or surpass what they would be doing in a more traditional setting. There is no wasted time and children enjoy their work and study. The children ask each other for lessons and much of the learning comes from sharing and inspiring each other instead of competing with each other.

Montessori classes place children in three-year-or-more age groups (3-6, 2.5-6, 6-12, and so on), forming communities in which the older children spontaneously share their knowledge with the younger ones. Montessori represents an entirely different approach to education.

7.     What special training do Montessori teachers have?

As with the choice of a Montessori school for children, an adult must also exercise wisdom in choosing a teacher training course. Anyone can legally use the name "Montessori" in describing their teacher training organisation. One must be sure the certification earned is recognized by the school where one desires to teach.

8.     What curriculum is in a Montessori class?

Basic subjects such as language, math, history, geography, biology, chemistry, geometry, music, physical education, and art are introduced in Montessori classes first in the 3-6 programs. Elementary students, by nature, want more answers to life's questions. The "how, where, what, when" questions are expanded into their environment and beyond. They want to classify, group, get control of their world. So the elementary curriculum developed by Maria, and later by her son and grandson, incorporate that explosion into knowledge from questions with materials that name, classify, and redefine the natural world in which the child has joined. Montessori thought less of her method of teaching as having a curriculum, as following the questions of the child to create individual and group lessons based on where the child is and where the group of children might go. That is not to say that her method is without curriculum, nor that the child does what she wants. Montessori directresses are arduously trained in methodically sequenced lessons, frequently broken into many passages for children who need that degree of gradual movement from concrete to abstract presentation. These sequences in each subject matter make up, but do not necessarily define, the curriculum. Each new group of students dictates which lessons will be given according to the needs of those individual and collective children.

9.     How much does Montessori cost?

Because Montessori schools are operated independently of one another tuition varies widely. The tuition is usually tied to the salaries of the staff, the size of the school, the state regulations for ration of staff to children, the cost of living, many other factors. The tuition for a Montessori school is figures on costs to run the school, and are no different than any other private school

10.     Can I do Montessori at home with my child?

Yes, you can use Montessori principles of child development at home. Look at your home through your child's eyes. Children need a sense of belonging, and they get it by participating fully in the routines of everyday life. "Help me do it by myself" is the life theme of the preschooler, school age child, teenager, and young adult.

Can you find ways for your child to participate in meal preparation, cleaning, gardening, caring for clothes, shoes, and toys? Providing opportunities for independence is the surest way to build your child's self-esteem and to build the skills needed for life-long learning.

At the school level many homeschooling and other parents use the Montessori philosophy of following the child's interest and not interrupting concentration to educate their children. There is an interesting Montessori homeschooling store here: homeschooling

In school only a trained Montessori teacher can properly implement Montessori education with the specialized learning equipment taught during teacher training, but there are many ideas that can be used in the home with families whose children are in school full-time, or in families where the adults are in charge of the totality of the child's education.

11.     How do older students who transfer into Montessori classes adjust?

Some Montessori schools do not allow older students to enter their classes. Most give priority to transferring students from their own or other Montessori schools. Adjustment into Montessori classes depends upon the child, his prior educational experience, innate flexibility, and attitudes toward learning and school. They frequently enter with heightened enthusiasm for the "games" encountered. As they adjust to the more subtle structure of the classroom and their own responsibility for their learning, they usually go through a period of trying the limits. It is not unusual for students entering from more traditional education to want to do everything in the room the first week. The idea of touching, handling, and talking as they work tends to, at first, be overstimulating for some, while intimidating for others. It usually takes 6 weeks to 6 months for students to integrate into the classroom. Once adjusted, however, students who have experienced another form of education can positively engage their peers in introspective observations.

12.     Are Montessori children successful later in life?

Research studies show that Montessori children are well prepared for later life academically, socially, and emotionally. In addition to scoring well on standardized tests, Montessori children are ranked above average on such criteria as following directions, turning in work on time, listening attentively, using basic skills, showing responsibility, asking provocative questions, showing enthusiasm for learning, and adapting to new situations.

13.     What happens when my child leaves Montessori?

This is the most frequently asked question of most people seeking information regarding Montessori learning. Changing from one environment to another takes self-confidence and patience. Different children respond differently to change. Most children adjust well to the transfer from Montessori to other private or public schools when their self esteems are high. Statistically, those who are in Montessori classrooms longest tend to make the adjustment more smoothly. They usually enter their new environments with a positive, flexible confidence following their experience with, and nurturing of, a real love of learning.

14.     Where can I find a good, brief, introduction to Montessori Primary?




1.         What is a typical day like in the Primary class?

Each and every day we live, laugh, learn, dance, sing, play, work, wonder, and create. The day flows with as few interruptions to your child as possible. The schedule is an independent work period in the morning, followed by a group circle, and play time. At 11am students have their snaks.and continuing their work. 

2.         What is the desired size of a Primary Montessori classroom?

A Montessori class for the Primary age is fairly large, typically around 30 - 40. Since it is a mixed-age class with ages between 3 and 6 years, a large classroom provides a better mix of different ages and sufficient numbers of the same age. This allows effective interactions between the children of the same age as well as different age groups. An older child helping a younger one is pivotal to the success of a Montessori classroom. This classroom size does not pose a challenge for the teacher since the carefully planned environment allows children to function independently with minimal help from the teacher.

3.         What is the student:teacher ratio?

Ideal Student: teacher ratio is 20:1.Our primary classes are staffed with an AMI trained teacher, as well as an adult assistant. We follow all  guidelines to ensure safety and supervision of your child.

4.         How does the teacher keep track of the progress of students who are working independently?

The Montessori method of education is designed to support different learning styles, helping students learn to learn or study in a way that is effective for them. Students progress as they master new skills, building on their experiences and moving ahead as quickly as they are ready. The children move through a logical progression from the initial lesson to repetition with help or input from the teacher, to independence and mastery. The teacher keeps records of where the child is in this process, looking for signs of mastery and readiness to proceed. An inventory of the lessons and projects completed by each student is reviewed frequently.

5.         In a multi-age class, will my five-year-old spend the year taking care of younger children instead of doing his or her own work?

The five year old children in a Montessori class often help the younger children with their work, actually teaching lessons, solidifying their understanding of the lesson. Anyone who has ever had to teach a skill to someone else knows that the process of explaining a new concept or helping someone practice a new skill leads the teacher to learn as much, if not more, than the pupil. This is supported by research. The act of teaching other children also develops leadership skills and confidence.

6.         How do you communicate with parents?

Children Workshops will be held twice a year to show the work learned by the child.Conferences are scheduled twice a year with the parents for an in depth discussion of your child’s progression in the class. Parents can request a sit down conference at any other time throughout the year. For general questions, comments, or short discussions, Madhavi is always available for phone at 9490422220 email: to respond to emails, or to meet her on afternoons as well, and you may schedule a meeting with her in advance.

7.         How do you handle discipline or behavior issues?

Discipline is required when a child exhibits behavior which is unbecoming o the child or harmful to the people or objects around him. Prevention of misbehavior is our first goal. Lessons of grace and courtesy are given to teach the child how to behave and move about in their class and to interact with others. When misbehavior occurs, there are three ways that we correct it. First, we acknowledge natural consequences, the unavoidable results of undesirable actions or words. For example, a careless movement can cause something to break. Natural consequences are the ideal corrective tool because the child can make the decision to correct her behavior on her own accord. The next direction we turn is to logical consequences. These are decided by the adult and have a logical relationship to the misdeed. Usually, these will limit the child in the freedom she has been abusing. For example, if a child is harming a material they must put it away, making it available for another child to use it correctly. Logical consequences give the child a choice to correct her behavior or have her freedoms restricted. She is immediately able to choose cooperative actions with her next choice of materials. On the rare occasion that natural and logical consequences are not effective, the child’s freedoms are forfeited and the child sits out, taking a few minutes to pull herself together.

8.         Why should my child stay in the third year of the Montessori Primary program (kindergarten year)?

The Primary program is based on Maria Montessori’s theories of psychological development which concluded that children needed to be grouped according to their three-year development stages. The three-year cycle is a basic tenet of the Primary Montessori program. Research indicates that things really begin to “come together” in the third year. Montessori is not about memorizing facts but being able to ask questions and find answers. Montessori materials are cyclical, they start out to be concrete and slowly move to the abstract. It is by the third year that facts begin to get internalized.

By going through a three-year cycle a child develops a high degree of self-confidence, independence, and enthusiasm for the learning process and can adapt to all sorts of new situations. There are compelling reasons to consider keeping a child in Montessori through the Elementary program and beyond, but even if he goes off to a traditional school by the time he is in the first grade he will be ready to make new friends and learn new things.

9.         Who provides food?

Each child needs to bring his own snacks from home. preferably No junk food is allowed.



1.         What is a Montessori Elementary classroom like?

A Montessori classroom is an exciting place to be. There are many interesting and beautiful resources with which the children can work. There are many interesting books on a wide assortment of topics such as on insects, plants, animals, different countries, history, etc.. However, textbooks, workbooks, and ditto sheets are not used. Instead, children work with many different concrete materials which help them to learn through an active process.

In using these materials the children may make their own books, draw their own maps or time lines, and develop their own projects. As a result, the classroom is a busy, happy place to be.

Since the classroom is well organized, with the intention of making all the materials visible and accessible for the children, the children can find what they want and work without having to wait for the teacher. Some children may be reading while others are doing math. Some people may be studying about ants while others are listening to classical music on headphones.

The children are all engaged in purposeful activity which leads and develops the intelligence. The materials set out in the room have been carefully designed with an educational purpose in mind. Because of this, the children are free to move from activity to activity. They don't need to wait for assignments from the teacher. Meanwhile, the teacher is free to help individuals or small groups.

The teacher is not tied to a routine of having to present a series of large group lessons to the whole class. The classroom is activity-centered rather than teacher-centered. The teacher's job is to prepare the classroom, set out the materials, and then observe the children and determine how to help. The teacher does not need to test the children because it is easy to see how they children are doing by observing their activities.

In this way, the teacher can have immediate, up-to-date information about any child without time being taken way from learning and without threat of failure being imposed upon the child. Without the threat of failure, and with so many intriguing things to do, discipline problems disappear and a friendly, cooperative social community forms. Cooperation rather than competition becomes the tone of the room and adversarial relationships disappear, becoming friendships.





NOTE : These are tentative dates which may change.If  there is any change in the date you will be inform through SMS or Whatsapp
26th & 27th June Ramzan
10th July Bonalu
22nd or 29th July Parent Session
7th Aug Janmashtami
14th Aug Raksha Bandhan
15th Aug Flag Hosting
9th-16th Aug 1st Observation
18th Aug 1st Field Trip
25th Aug Ganesh Chaturthi
30th Aug Pot Luck-Montessori Birthday
22nd-2nd oct Sep-Oct Dussera Holiday
18th & 19th Oct Diwali
14th Nov Childern’s Day
24th Nov Field Trip
1st Dec Milad-Ul-Nabi
25th-2nd Jan Dec-Jan Christmas
12th Jan Pongal
26th Jan Republic Day
5th Feb 2nd Parent Session
11th -26th Feb 2nd Observation
13th Fab Mahashivratri

Medha House of Children
Venkatadri Nagar Colony,
Humayun Nagar, Hyderabad 500028.

Medha Montessori School
Opp Azad College Of Engineering & Technology, Peddamangalaram Road, Moinabad,Hyderabad.
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